This just in! VRevis needs to pay more attention to what she's doing!
Okay, here's the set-up: I'm trying to get back into the machinima crowd, because I've been pretty much limiting myself to my own forum,, YouTube, and myspace as far as getting my videos seen. I have a whole lot of machinima "acquaintances", but I want to get to know everyone better.
I am a member of a forum run by
Britannica Dreams. I hadn't been there in a while, so I decided to pop in and see how everyone was doing, post a couple of my newer vids, reintroduce myself. (BOY oh boy, did I reintroduce myself!) I went to the BD site, clicked on the forum link, and thought things looked a bit different than they did the last time I was there. I tried to log in, but my username wasn't in the database. I tried several different passwords, no go. I figured the forum must have been revamped, and perhaps they didn't transfer all the members over to the new one, so I signed up, again. I posted the obligatory "Introduction" thread, and put up two videos. The admin was confused as to how I could have two accounts, since one account is allowed per IP, but I chalked that up to me living in a different town from where I was when the first account was created.
Here's where it gets fun. On MY forum, I have an adult section. One friend in particular has been wanting me to do a sim porn video, because I had downloaded a couple new adult hacks for the game and was showing pics of my sims taking full advantage of each other. It was only natural that I should bite the bullet and try a video, right? Keep in mind this is all for fun. I was laughing the entire time I made the first video. But it was such a hit on the forum, that I did a second. They're obviously not uploadable, anywhere, so the only way anyone can see them is to join my forum, be granted access to the adult section, and get the links. I've mailed them to a few non-forum friends. So, I've kept it fairly quiet that I did these two flicks, and not that many people have seen them.
Back to the Britannica Dreams forum. It used to have a section for more adult-natured videos (there's another version of "Justify My Love" that I had posted there), and I thought that with a new account, I had to get access to that section, again. I was feeling brave enough to post those videos. Only in a private section, of course. I PM'd (Private Messaged) Michelle, someone I've known for a while, asking where the adult section was. Before I hit "send", I noticed there was a box called "usergroups". I checked it. Why? Because I do things like that. I then sent this PM out to all 300-something members of the forum. Oops.
When I checked my email it was FULL of read receipts from people I'd never even heard of. And that was the moment I realized my mistake. I immediately fired off another PM and sent it out to the same group and joked about how embarrassed I was that I had just told everyone I did sim porn, bla bla bla...
I'm still getting read receipts, and this happened two days ago.
My own forum is having a great time with this. So, I'm going to present the thread from my forum to you, and you can tell by my first post that I hadn't yet realized that this forum was NOT the same forum I'd belonged to, so I basically joined a forum I'd never been to, and then told 300 people I'm a sim-pornographer. I'm trying to explain it away by saying I like to make a "big entrance"...
I feel it is important at this point to note that my custom title over at moreawesomethanyou is Big Silly.
Here is the thread from the A Cuppa Joe forum, first post was posted May 25 2007, 10:59 PM. (leaving all members' names out, save for mine):
I'm so embarrassed I could DIE...
I reregistered at the Machinima Premiere forum, forgetting I was already a member (it's changed so much I didn't recognize it!), and I just sent a PM to one of the admins asking if there was an adult section like the old forum, because I do sim porn. There was a box called "usergroups" and, stupidly, I checked it. Why? Because if I don't know what a button does, I'm gonna push it. EVERYONE IN THAT FORUM GOT A PM ANNOUNCING I DO SIM PORN. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
So. I immediately sent another PM to the same group, subject "Oh. My. God" explaining that that was just supposed to go to the admin, not 300 something people!!!


Nice one ya big silly!

OMG yay pr0n!

To give you an idea, I requested a read receipt for that PM (thinking it was just going to one person) and this is a screenshot of half of page one in my inbox.

*member1 is rolling

That sound soooo much like something I would do!!!

So far I've gotten two requests for the links to the videos, once person saying he didn't know if there was an adult section, a few people wondering why I'd randomly chosen them to ask this question, and one guy saying "That's kinda hot".

ME: (almost an hour later)
I'm still getting read receipts!!!!!!


Just deleted 45 more. I don't even recognize 90% of these names!

That 'bout covers it!


Deleted 264 more read receipts, sent links out to a few people, and now have a thread in my honor over there titled "Dear VRevis". The first post just said "Tee hee!"


Thanks Val, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. [S.O.] thought I was losing it.
Goodness. I'm not gonna laugh at you, but I am going to smirk a little....

[Quoting member 7: "Thanks Val, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. [My S.O. thought I was losing it."]
Anytime, member7!

This is all so funny. I want to feel bad for you, Val...but I keep wanting to laugh...

Looks like they are also enjoying it in "your" thread.
It gets more embarrassing by the hour. This is not even the forum I *thought* I belonged to. Nope. I just joined a forum
I'd never even visited before, and before I even had 5 posts to my name, mass PMd 300-something mostly-strangers divulging my dirty little secret. Reread the first post of this thread and see my innocence. It was nice, wasn't it? Awww.
I'm getting messages over at YouTube from members of MP who have gotten email notification that they got a PM from me, but don't remember their password to check it. And you can't tell by that first PM that it was sent to 300 people; I sort of know Michelle, to whom it was INTENDED, so wrote in a fairly casual, familiar style. So I'm getting a lot of confused responses as to why I'm randomly singling so-and-so out to send this PM, then a lot of lolz when they read the second PM explaining my oopsie.
Talk about your forum-n00bie faux pas!!!!!

Character-building. That's what I'm doing. Character building.

Just checked my email:

*hugs Val* You just wouldn't be you if things like this didn't happen
*nods* character building is always good.

This just gets better by the minute. I'm still sorry for laughing, but can't seem to help it. You are so funny.

Oh, I agree, this is funny! This is the kind of stuff that happens to me ALL THE TIME. It's why growing up there were two sayings around my house: "Valerie, Valerie, Valerie..." and "Things just happen with Valerie."
What's also funny is the subject of my first PM: "Have I lost my mind? LOL"
Yes, Val, I do believe you have.

No, you haven't lost your mind. The things you do are what make you so special. It also proves you are human.
I always check to be sure my grandson isn't playing Sims. I would hate for him to run into his grandma in some of the forums, especially the gutter. He's still busy with Zoo Tycoon.
[quoting member3: "The things you do are what make you so special."]
I've also been told this all my life. Now I'm thinking they meant "short bus special".

The things you do make you special, which is why we all enjoy being with you. You are truly a fun person to be around. That's why I'm here.
Aaaaugh Val! OMG, you poor woman.

Yes, I'm laughing my ass off, but I'm laughing in TOTAL SYMPATHY. Hee... you're awesome for having such a good sense of humor about this. (Gotta laugh or you'd cry, huh?)

Oh, that's so...Val-ish.

However, it could also be very member10-ish [insert personal anecdote here] I'm sure they're getting a chuckle somewhere.
